Monday, February 15, 2010

Inaugural Post

Having arrived here in Chile just a little over two weeks ago and having settled in a bit, I feel it's now an appropriate time to get this project, "Hoosier Gringo," up and running. Accordingly, I'd like to establish a little background about myself and what I seek to accomplish with this blog:

Last year I graduated from Butler University (in Indianapolis, IN) where I majored in Political Science and Spanish, with an additional minor in Philosophy. During this time, I became interested in Latin American politics and US-Latin American relations. Beyond these areas, I also have a broad range of interests with regards to political theory and political philosophy which I seek to explore here on this blog, and perhaps better define for myself with respect to my academic future. Among my longer-term goals for myself is the desire to pursue graduate studies in Political Science, International Relations, or a related field.

At minimum, my goal for this blog is for it to be an outlet for my creative and intellectual energies so that I can keep them sharp in this time spent living abroad and out of school. Beyond that, it's also my aspiration to regularly contribute relevant and interesting insights on the US and Latin American political experience, and the norms and theoretical underpinnings that both underlie and transcend this realm, as seen through the eyes of a small-town Indiana farmboy living in Latin America with a cosmopolitan perspective on the 21st Century.

The name "Hoosier Gringo" came to me rather spontaneously, though I feel it pretty adequately reflects who and what I am and what the focus of this blog will be. Additionally, and indeed more importantly I believe, I think it also gives a sense of the importance I see in acknowledging and respecting one's own personal background, while also reaching out and connecting with others in the world at large in solidarity.

These themes and ideas, among others, will be the source of inspiration for my future posts. Enjoy!

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